When is The Best Time to Plant Trees?

We all know that trees are really important for humans, animals, and the whole world. They provide oxygen for breathing, store carbon, stabilize the soil, and also provide life to the world’s fauna as the largest plants on the earth. They also give us shelter materials and tools.

Furthermore, trees perform a variety of functions including reducing human pollution, balancing the carbon cycles and water, and also improving soil quality. When the soil quality is good, it will make it more suited for a greater range of animal and plant life.

Korindo, as one of the foundations concerned with tree problems, believes that we should take an action to fix this problem. Trees are not only necessary for existence, but they also serve as a link between the past, present, and future as the longest-living species on the planet.

Woodlands, rainforests, and trees in urban contexts such as parks must be protected and managed responsibly all over the world. Another thing we can do in our backyard plants the trees. This simple action will give a huge impact on the environment if everyone does the same.

The Importance of Trees for the Earth

While no one can deny the importance of our global forest inheritance, deforestation for a variety of reasons continues. That is why, here we and Korindo will bring you to know better the importance of trees for our future, our lives, and our beloved earth.

  1. Trees are good for our health

Tree canopies operate as trapping dust, absorbing pollutants, and physical filters. Every year, each tree eliminates up to 1.7 kg of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They help reduce noise and provide shades from the sun which increases the freshness and coolness.

Medicinal qualities have been discovered in over 20 species of British trees and shrubs. Many more trees for different species have been found beneficial for human health, for instance, antiseptic properties can be found in birch bark oil. According to studies, being surrounded by green space and trees will lower blood pressure, reduce stress levels within minutes, and also slow the heart rate.

  1. Trees are the booster of wildlife

Trees become complex microhabitats for many creatures you might have never thought about before. When the trees are still young, they provide homes and food for a diverse range of birds, lichens, fungi, and also insects. Bats, tawny owls, woodpeckers, and also woodboring beetles rely on the hollow cover provided by their trunks when they are grown and old.

Can you believe that a single grown oak tree can support up to 500 distinct species? One common example of this is birds that most often raise their chicks in the tree nests and hide from predators that might danger the little chicks. Then, there are more species that depend on and hang on their lives a single tree.

  1. Trees can help clean the air

The rate of air pollution is increasing over the years and trees have had a huge impact to solve this problem. Trees assist to enhance air quality by removing hazardous pollutants from the atmosphere, preventing the treehouse effect, lowering outdoor temperatures, and also preventing global warming. That is why Korindo always supports planting trees to clean the air.

The Best Time of Year to Plant New Trees

When you already know the importance of trees, you need to take action to grow your trees. But now, the question is ‘when is the best time of year to plant new trees? Is it in summer, spring, fall, or even in winter?

If you plan to plant trees, it is a good idea to obtain as much information as possible about the best method to take during the planting procedure. One of the most important things to keep in mind is the best time to plant your trees.

Basically, the best time of year to plant a tree is when we have consistent rain. As a result, both spring and fall are favorable periods to plant because there will be consistent rainfall throughout these seasons. Some plants perform better when planted in the spring, but some other certain plants are better suited to planting in the fall.

According to Korindo, Spring is the best time to plant trees that take a long time to grow such as American hornbeam, magnolias, tulip tree, willows, bald cypress, ginkgo, and others. Besides, Catalpa, Hackberry, Honey Locust, Sycamore, Pines, Alder, and other trees are the best to plant in the fall season.